Dating with Braces – Dos and Don’ts

Date night should be a fun experience, don’t let your braces hold you back from making the most of it! Fortunately, your braces don’t have to be a source of worry. Instead, you can focus on what to wear, where to go, and what to talk about. With a few simple tips you can flash your beautiful smile at your date as many times as you want without being worried about leftovers being hidden in your brackets. Read on for some advice from Dr. Dennis Flanagan at Dennis J. Flanagan DDS MS.

At a Nice Restaurant – Stick to Soft Foods

While mood lighting can help hide a lot of things, it can’t get rid of food in your teeth. So you can smile with confidence all night long, stick to soft foods. Pasta, mashed potatoes, soups, and other softer options are easy to eat and are less likely to have little bits that stick around in wires and brackets. Any crunchy fruits or veggies could prove difficult as well. Let’s just say corn should be a “no-go” whether you have braces or not! Also, any chewy bread or pizza should be cut up into small pieces before consuming.


At the Movies – Skip the Popcorn

Not only are those little kernels bound to get stuck in your braces, eating popcorn can potentially damage your braces. Nothing will ruin date night like breaking a bracket in the middle of a movie. Also, be sure to avoid any sticky or hard chocolate or candy items. Instead, order a refreshing ICEE or soda. You can even split a delicious soft pretzel, just be sure to eat it in small pieces!


At the Fair – Skip the Sticky Stuff

Any sticky taffy, candied nuts, or hard cookies should be avoided. Be careful with cotton candy too, sticky foods are a challenge with braces. Instead, opt for a soft elephant ear or some soft serve ice cream. Then you’ll be fueled to ride rides until the sun goes down!

Date night with braces is just like any other date night, you can still feel beautiful and have a great time! Just be sure to be a little cautious when picking out what to eat. Also, you can always pack a toothbrush if you want to be super prepared. If you ever have questions about what foods are best for braces, please don’t hesitate to contact our office!

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