Tips for Relieving Invisalign Pain

Invisalign is a popular and effective alternative to traditional braces. However, like any orthodontic treatment, you may experience some discomfort and pain as your teeth shift into their new positions. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to relieve Invisalign pain and keep your treatment on track. Here are some helpful tips from Dr. Read More

Five Vitamins to Improve Your Oral Health

You may take vitamins daily for energy or a better immune system. But, vitamins are good for more than keeping your energy up or gut health, they are integral to good oral health as well. Vitamins are a great and super easy preventative measure for common oral health issues. Improving your mouth’s health every day Read More

Visiting the Dentist

Every year, you visit your doctor for a check-up. These well visits are to ensure you are healthy for the year to come! You also should have visits like these with your dentist, you need to have a dental check at least once every six months to make sure your teeth and mouth are healthy. Read More

Invisalign While You Travel

Traveling is already stressful, so we don’t want caring for your Invisalign to make it even worse. The good news is that there are a few small changes to your packing routine that can alleviate Invisalign- related stress taking away from your vacation. When you’re in a new place, far from your orthodontist’s office, it’s Read More

What to Expect with New Braces

The week after your new braces go on is often tough. There’s a lot you have to adjust to from metal in your mouth to changes in diet, nightly routine, and oral hygiene. Transitions and changes are never easy, and to help make your journey to a beautiful smile smooth and painless, Dr. Dennis Flanagan Read More

Your Invisalign Journey

Invisalign is as common today as traditional braces. Usually, when you go to the orthodontist, you’ll be shown multiple treatment options, from Invisalign clear aligners to traditional bracket and wire braces. How does Invisalign work exactly? A completely invisible treatment that allows you to eat whatever you want is too good to be true, isn’t Read More

Protecting Your Teeth During Sports

We’ve all heard horror stories of sports injuries, even worse witnessed one ourselves. After getting braces, you may be wondering ‘Can I play sports with braces?’ The best way to protect your mouth from a painful fate is to invest in a mouthguard before taking to the court. Mouthguards protect not only your teeth but Read More

What Happens After Braces?

After months or even years of braces, patients are only too happy to finally be done with treatment. To make sure the smile you leave our office with stays with you forever, you’ll need to be fitted with and wear a retainer. Retainers prevent relapse and are a way to make sure the movements your Read More

Can I Get Invisalign?

Choosing your orthodontist, and by extension, what your options are for years of orthodontic treatment and appointments, is no small feat. One of the deciding factors in this decision is which types of tooth movement your orthodontist has available. Traditional braces, self-ligating braces, or even Invisalign are all options. With so much innovation in the Read More

Early Evaluation and Missing Teeth

Often when parents bring young children into our office for initial evaluation, they are missing several primary teeth. Parents are worried that starting treatment won’t be an option until all the permanent teeth have grown in, or until all baby teeth have fallen out. It’s common to wonder if your child is losing teeth at Read More

How Long Do I Have to Wear Braces?

Without a doubt, “How long do I have to wear my braces?” is the most common question we’re asked by patients. More so than cleaning tips and food restrictions, people want to know how long they’ll have to live with braces. It’s understandable. Braces are hard to brush and floss around, they come with food Read More

What to do if Your Braces Break

It’s scary to be at home, school, or sports practice and feel a part of your braces loosen or even fall completely off your tooth, but it’s a more common occurrence than you may think.. The good news is that most of these incidents are actually minor and easily fixed by your orthodontist. Here are Read More

The Expert Guide to Flossing with Braces

Flossing isn’t the most exciting part of your nightly routine, but it’s essential to your oral health. Maintaining that excellent oral health is an integral part of your orthodontic journey! Before we get into how to become an expert braces flosser, here’s some more information about why flossing is so critical in the first place. Read More

Which Bad Habits are Bad for Your Teeth

Young children often put anything and everything in their mouths. Unless it develops into bad habits that carry into later childhood, this curiosity is beneficial. Long-term oral health can be negatively affected by habits like nail-biting, thumb sucking, excessive use of pacifiers, and tongue thrusting as you swallow.    Nail Biting Biting your nails is Read More

What Can I Eat with Braces?

Getting braces is a big change, and on top of the wires, brackets, or Invisalign trays, there’s a whole new set of habits you must get used to. Luckily, we’re here to help and answer any questions you may have during treatment! One of our most common questions from patients is “What can I eat Read More

Expanding on the Expander

Often the first step of orthodontic treatment is an expander. Expanders, or palatal expanders, are orthodontic appliances that increase the space between the halves of the upper jaw. While that sounds scary and painful, expanders are very common! Many young and growing orthodontic patients have expanders, and they can help make sure you don’t have Read More

Do I Have Gum Disease?

What is gum disease?  Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. The culprit for this disease is usually poor brushing and flossing habits. These poor habits allow plaque – a sticky film of bacteria – to build up on the teeth and harden. Read More