What is the Value of Orthodontic Treatment?

Did you know that orthodontic treatment is more than just straightening teeth? The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) states, “The goal of orthodontic treatment is a beautiful smile and a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw and look great.” A straighter smile isn’t only good for aesthetics, Read More

Is Juicing Bad for Your Teeth?

At the start of every new year, most of us begin to reevaluate our waistlines and opt for a healthier lifestyle. With the growing popularity of juicing in recent years, more of our patients have been turning to this diet as a means of increasing their fruit and vegetable intake. While blending veggies, fruits, and Read More

Busting Invisalign Myths

Busting Invisalign Myths…It can be a scary experience when you are given a referral to see an orthodontist or considering improving your smile. Braces are grounds for embarrassment for the self-conscious teen and the up-and-coming professional. Having a mouth full of metal to clean around, eat around, and live around can be daunting. The option Read More

New Year, New Me

At the start of each new year, we often hear people say, “New year, new me.” But what exactly does that mean? At Dennis J Flanagan DDS, we say “New year, new smile, better hygiene.” To help you start the new year with a great smile and better oral health, we’ve come up with a Read More

The Impact of Smoking on Oral Health

When it comes to smoking, we’ve all been reminded constantly of the effects it can have on our overall health. In most cases, lung cancer is often the disease of choice that is a result of smoking. However, the damaging effects of smoking don’t stop there. Do you know the negative effects smoking can have Read More

Are You Over Brushing Your Braces?

Have you ever had that awkward experience when you drink a cold beverage and immediately feel a sharp pain in your teeth? You’re not alone. In fact, one in eight people has this same problem with tooth sensitivity. So what’s the cause? Believe it or not, tooth sensitivity such as this doesn’t have anything to Read More

What Happens When We Swallow Gum?

Dr. Dennis Flanagan DDS MS and his orthodontic team want to dispel an urban legend about chewing gum: if you swallow a wad of gum, it does not sit in your stomach for seven years. In most cases, actually, not even seven days. Chewing gum, although not meant to be swallowed, passes harmlessly through the Read More

The Truth About Wisdom Teeth

Do Wisdom Teeth cause crowding of your front teeth? How many times have you heard this? Did you know this all started after a paper was written on by an orthodontist over 50 years ago? In 1961, orthodontist Dr. Leroy Vego published an article, “A Longitudinal Study of Mandibular Arch Perimeter” which examined the role Read More

Orthodontic Treatment – A Right Of Passage

Ever thought about why you don’t see many seniors with braces in high school yearbooks today? Look at yearbook or prom pictures from the 1960s or ’70s and you’ll see many “tin grins”. You don’t often see that today. Why? Kids today undergo orthodontic care at a much earlier age in Rockford and Winnebago IL Read More